Romney attacked as a flip-flop-flip-flop-flipper on abortion

Jerry Zandstra, a member of Sam Brownback’s exploratory committee, sent the following letter to a (probably very) large number of Michigan conservative activists.  Some excerpts and the whole letter:


Mitt Romney, current governor of Massachusetts and likely presidential candidate has had a tough couple of weeks.  It isn’t what others have said about him.  Rather, his own words have caught up with him.  What his words seem to indicate is someone whose positions on social issues important to conservatives either are wrong or have changed direction so many times as to render them meaningless.


      When Gov. Romney was considering a run to be the governor of Utah, he wavered, claiming that he was now pro-life.  His defenders claimed that what he said in Massachusetts was “a carefully crafted position intended to sound more firm than it was” because “he was running against Ted Kennedy in a state that was 80 percent pro-choice and to have any chance at all, he was waffling.”     

      Only a few years later, Romney was back in Massachusetts, running for his current position as their governor.  When prodded by his pro-choice opponent in a debate, Gov. Romney said, “Let me make this very clear.  I will preserve and protect a woman’s right to choose.”  In that same election, he endorsed embryonic stem cell research,  refused to take a position on human cloning, and endorsed Medicaid funding for abortions.  

As promised, the whole letter, after the jump

South Carolina not buying Romney

Or so says NRO’s Byron York in a great article. There are a bunch of really important parts to this article. The first is about how Romney is using his religion to cover for his record: Oran Smith, pro-life, questions Romney’s explanation in a more subtle way. In talks with Read more…

CBN puts Romney’s “pro-gay letter” on TV!

In day 4 of Pat Robertson’s offensive on Mitt Romney, the Christian Broadcasting Network ran a segment on TV about Romney’s Log Cabin letter entitled "Romney’s Pro-Gay Letter". Watch it here. Some tasty quotes: It could be a big problem. It really depends on whether he comes across as credible Read more…

Romney whiplash continues

The AP had several stories on the wire relevant to this. First, Glen Johnson wrote "Romney’s Record on Gay Rights Questioned." (and yes, it did get in Iowa papers here) This one is significant because it makes it clear that religious and evangelical leaders are weighing in. Weyrich gets harsher: Read more…

Romney getting hit in Evangelical media

The Romney/gay story appears to be getting some traction. It was carried today by Pat Robertson’s Christian Broadcasting Network, with an article entitled, "Romney Family Values Stand Under Fire" (was this broadcast?): Romney has come under criticism because of a 1994 letter he wrote to the gay lobbying group Log Read more…

Romney responds to Log Cabin letter criticism

Mitt Romney’s nascent campaign is beginning to respond to questions (here, here, and here) raised about a letter that he sent to the Massachusetts Log Cabin Republicans back in 1994. David Brody, from the Christian Broadcasting Network, got a response from the Romney press operation: Governor Romney believes Americans should Read more…