The Romney/gay story appears to be getting some traction. It was carried today by Pat Robertson’s Christian Broadcasting Network, with an article entitled, "Romney Family Values Stand Under Fire" (was this broadcast?):

Romney has come under criticism because of a 1994 letter he wrote to the gay lobbying group Log Cabin Republicans. In it, he thanked the group for their support during the 1994 U.S. Senate race and talked about equal rights for gay and lesbian Americans.

Certain pro-family groups like the Family Research Council have called the letter disturbing.

All old news. But apparently, the Mass Resistance guy who compiled the RightMarch oppo packet — which Brody links to in his blog — is pushing this too:

Their director, Brian Camenker, talked to CBN News by phone Tuesday and listed many instances in which his group believes the Governor has staked out an anti-family position

For example, Camenker says Romney supports homosexual adoption. 

He once was quoted as saying " "There will be children born to same-sex couples, and adopted by same-sex couples, and I believe that there should be rights and privileges associated with those unions and with the children that are part of those unions."

Romney’s Chief Disciple noted:

“Marriage,” Romney said, “is primarily about the nurturing and development of children.” He added, “A child’s development is enhanced by the nurturing of both genders. Every child deserves a mother and a father.” And, driving the point home:  “The price for same-sex marriage is paid by children.”

If he’s for amending the US Constitution to protect children from growing up in families with parents of one genders, you would think that state laws banning adoption would be much, much easier to oppose. I guess not.

Romney does not need this attention in the Evangelical media. When Brody says,"Family conservative activist groups like Family Research Council and Focus on the Family are not happy" he knows what he’s talking about.


Jerome Armstrong · December 12, 2006 at 6:28 PM

Yea, I get it, Romney is toast. OK, I want to hear your thoughts on an alternative to the evangelicals, is it Brownback, Huckabee, or Gingrich? They each seem to have strengths.

And what about Tancredo? » What does Romney’s problem mean Brownback? · December 14, 2006 at 4:51 AM

[…] One reader has gotten sick of watching the Romney car-crash and asks: […]

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