Huckabee = Bush, like Clinton

Wow. Save the GOP doesn’t much like Bush or Huckabee do they? "As for Huckabee, he just reminds me of another George W Bush and he supports higher government spending and a welfare state. Sorry, but one President from Arkansas was enough. Do we really want to repeat that??"

Prediction, Newt is getting in

How else do you explain Newt Gingrich’s radio appearance with Dobson yesterday. He, in essence, asked for absolution from America’s Protestant Pope. Conserviatves, especially conservative Christians, like a redemption story. I still contend that George W. Bush’s alcoholism is a fundamental part of his narrative for the Christian community. Jesus Read more…

Elections are experiments

Jonah Goldberg has a great article at NRO about how Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani are two different strategies for handling coming from a liberal, northeastern state. Romney’s strategy is basically to change his position on every issue in sight to come in line with the conservative base. Goldberg doesn’t Read more…

Brownback campaign: Romney misleading voters

I think that this press release just about says it all. No need to comment. Apparently this was triggered by the Romney campaign circulating statements comparing Sam Brownback and Mitt Romney’s record on abortion:  Mitt Romney’s Campaign Misleads Voters about Senator Brownback’s Position on Abortion "Mitt Romney’s flip flops are Read more…

Will Huckabee get to define Huckabee?

Several things have come together for Mike Huckabee recently. National Journal is giving him a bump. He picks up some good staff in New Hampshire. He gets called one of the two options for Evangelicals (although McCain is getting some attention). For Huckabee, there are two or three issues. First, Read more…