At the MRP conventjon, which I blogged about here, there was an anti-Mitt Romney protest put on by members, apparently, of the Michigan State and University of Michigan Young Americans for Freedom:

In this video, there are protesters with signs like "RINOs for Romney" or "If you don’t like Romney’s positions, wait 10 minutes. He’ll flip-flop".

This is the second video of anti-Romney grassroots activity. (the first was this one from the March for Life).

What is going on here? Is this a sign that the grassroots will reject Romney? Or is it just clever political theater?

Update: This was picked up in a local broadcast about the convention.

Soren Dayton

Soren Dayton is an advocacy professional in Washington, DC who has worked in policy, politics, and in human rights, including in India. Soren grew up in Chicago.

3 Comments · December 9, 2007 at 1:22 AM

It is a new grassroots campaign against Mitt Romney. Americans don’t necessarily distrust all Mormons, but they can be deceptive with regard to their beliefs. Romney’s LDS church has a dark history, full of racist statements and incredibly insulting comments about other religions. The real issue is these doctrines are not a man speaking, often they say that GOD ordained this like God telling Joseph Smith that “All other religions were an abomination in his eyes.” One of the most organized groups against Romney is ours – ExposeRomney . com; we have writers, editors (LDS editors), and just yesterday we were interviewing LDS PR people to confirm some research for a new article on Mormonism and Racism. Maybe it was fitting he chose the Ford Museum.

We have articles, video, and recommended books. 50,000 hits since July ’08.

‘Twas the Night Before… at Conservative Times--Republican GOP news source. · February 13, 2007 at 12:05 AM

[…] Unfortunately, for him, he’s gotten a surprisingly negative spate of news over the past day. First, Sam Brownback slams Mitt’s “multiple choice” abortion positions, then Chris Cillizza twists the knife on the front page of the Washington Post by saying that Mitt “has reversed [his abortion and stem cell positions] since it became clear he would pursue the presidency in 2008,” and for good measure, World Net Daily piles on too. If that weren’t enough, there were the anti-Romney protesters at this weekend’s GOP convention in Michigan. Now comes word that the National Jewish Democratic Council took Romney to task for giving his announcement speech at the Henry Ford Museum, given Ford’s anti-Semitism. To top it off, some Romney supporters in Michigan have decided to defect to John McCain’s campaign, because they found Romney’s past positions unsatisfying (and to add insult to injury, Fox even includes a link to the infamous Romney-Kennedy ‘94 debate). […] » Blog Archive » ‘Twas the Night Before… · February 25, 2007 at 10:54 AM

[…] Unfortunately, for him, he’s gotten a surprisingly negative spate of news over the past day. First, Sam Brownback slams Mitt’s “multiple choice” abortion positions, then Chris Cillizza twists the knife on the front page of the Washington Post by saying that Mitt “has reversed [his abortion and stem cell positions] since it became clear he would pursue the presidency in 2008,” and for good measure, World Net Daily piles on too. If that weren’t enough, there were the anti-Romney protesters at this weekend’s GOP convention in Michigan. Now comes word that the National Jewish Democratic Council took Romney to task for giving his announcement speech at the Henry Ford Museum, given Ford’s despicable anti-Semitism (What was Romney thinking?!). To top it off, some Romney supporters in Michigan have decided to defect to John McCain’s campaign, because they found Romney’s past positions unsatisfying (and to add insult to injury, Fox even includes a link to the infamous Romney-Kennedy ‘94 debate). […]

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