Doh! What a Mitt-iot!

MItt Romney tried to cover for his book gaffe today by sticking his foot farther into his mouth. According to the San Jose Mercury: Asked about his comments during a Fox News interview Monday that L. Ron Hubbard’s Battlefield Earth is his favorite novel, Romney said Huckleberry Finn is his Read more…

Why is Romney talking about campaign finance laws?

Because he is pandering. It is that simple. Five years ago Mitt Romney believed in public funding of campaigns and taxing political contributions. Thirteen years ago he believed in outlawing political action committees.  Ramesh Ponnuru, after studying Romney’s position on campaign finance laws concluded that, "All told, those positions place Read more…

Romney: More vane than compass?

Today, Mitt Romney was discussed on Fox News. Shep Smith asked what was going on in the 2008 race. The lefty consultant said Mitt Romney was a flip-flopper. That’s not the news. The news is that Carrie Lukas, the Vice President of Policy and Economics at the Independent Women’s Forum, Read more…

MA GOPers for Truth forms

Everything in this cycle starts early, including, according to the Boston Herald, the formation of groups to attack candidates. In Massachusetts, there is now the Massachusetts Republicans for Truth, to go live on Mitt Romney’s birthday (happy birthday!): “It’s a matter of trust,” Robichaud said yesterday. “When somebody changes their Read more…