Mitt Romney has a problem with gun owners, and it is that he is like John Kerry.

John Kerry referred to his "trusty shotgun", which was actually a weapon he had voted to ban. This was seen as fabricated, and it was rightly mocked in the righty blogs.

Mitt Romney has a similar problem, his image on guns is a total Mitt-representation. He told Glenn and Helen (via the Boston Globe):

The Glenn and Helen Show," that he hopes states would continue to ease regulations on gun owners, and he expressed enthusiasm for guns and hunting. "I have a gun of my own. I go hunting myself. I’m a member of the NRA and believe firmly in the right to bear arms

Slowly those statements have been exploded. First, he didn’t really own a gun, from the same Boston Globe story:

Asked by reporters at the gun show Friday whether he personally owned the gun, Romney said he did not. He said one of his sons, Josh, keeps two guns at the family vacation home in Utah, and he uses them "from time to time."

So Romney went from having a gun, to not having a gun, to having two guns. Except they are his son’s. At (one of) their vacation homes in Utah. That’s "his" gun.

Next the point about hunting. Romney "fondly" describes two hunting experiences:

Romney also described himself as a sportsman who learned to shoot as a boy rabbit hunting in Idaho with a .22 rifle. … He fondly recalled shooting quail last year at a Republican Governors Association event in Georgia.

Now the AP reports that those are the only two hunting experiences he has had in his whole life:

Yet the former Massachusetts governor’s hunting experience is limited to two trips at the bookends of his 60 years: as a 15-year-old, when he hunted rabbits with his cousins on a ranch in Idaho, and last year, when he shot quail on a fenced game preserve in Georgia.

Then the NRA thing came out. Turns out Romney is a life member of the NRA… except that he joined in August. This was well lampooned today in Doonesbury:

And he says that he "firmly believes in the right to bear arms… sort of, again the Boston Globe story:

Romney says he still backs the ban on assault weapons, but he won’t say whether he stands by the Brady Bill. And after the gun show tour, his campaign declined to say whether he would still describe himself as a supporter of tough gun laws.

You see, Mitt Romney’s problem isn’t that he is a flip-flopper, although that is true. It is that almost everything that he says about base issues in the Republican Party is a Mitt-representation. And gun activists, a pretty committed bunch, just aren’t going to buy it.

Soren Dayton

Soren Dayton is an advocacy professional in Washington, DC who has worked in policy, politics, and in human rights, including in India. Soren grew up in Chicago.


ee2793 · April 4, 2007 at 7:59 PM

Here’s a tip, Soren. Conservatives don’t like or read Doonesbury so you must really be hard-up for posts. » Blog Archive » · April 4, 2007 at 10:43 PM

[…] Mitt Romney: Lots of money and at the bottom.  And, Mr. NRA.  More here. […]

The Gun Toting Liberal™ · April 5, 2007 at 10:06 AM

Mitt Romney: Self-Described “Lifetime Hunter” (And Perhaps, Psycopath?) Admits He Has Been On Two Hunting Trips. EVER…

Filing this one under “Oops!“, of COURSE…
From The Salt Lake Tribune (AP):
Romney, self-described lifelong hunter, has hunted on two occasions
By Glen Johnson
The Associated Press
BOSTON – To hear Mitt Romney talk on the campaign tr… » Be vewy, vewy quiet…; Romney changes hunting story (again) · April 5, 2007 at 9:44 PM

[…] As I said when his hunting problem emerged, it reminds me of his gun problem. He couldn’t figure out whether he owned a gun or not: So Romney went from having a gun, to not having a gun, to having two guns. Except they are his son’s guns. At (one of) their vacation homes in Utah. That’s "his" gun. […]

Some advice for Mitt Romney « Swing State · April 7, 2007 at 11:03 AM

[…] Earlier this week, Mitt Romney said he had “been a hunter all his life.” (see video here) But a reporter did some research, and Romney’s campaign admitted that Romney had only been hunting twice, once as a teenager and once for a fundraiser. Then Romney himself said that he was a “varmint hunter”, not a “big game hunter.” […] » Lifetime hunter Mitt Romney never had license · May 7, 2007 at 10:35 PM

[…] Earlier this week, Mitt Romney said he had "been a hunter all his life." (see video here) But a reporter did some research, and Romney’s campaign admitted that Romney had only been hunting twice, once as a teenager and once for a fundraiser. Then Romney himself said that he was a "varmint hunter", not a "big game hunter." […] » Romney calls press unfair; Thinks dad was president · May 8, 2007 at 11:05 AM

[…] Mitt Romney is doing himself no favors these days. Whether it is his lifetime hunter gaffe, his confusing French marriage law for fictionalizations of the Book of Mormon, or calling a ridiculous sci-fi book his favorite novel, he can’t keep his foot — in a silver space boot? — out of his mouth. […]

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