Huckabee at AFP

Mike Huckabee speaks at AFP. He starts with populism. "Getting the economy moving for everyone." But then he switches to talking about the defects with the tax code. He is so interesting. This is anti-government populism. "The average American is more afraid of an audit by the IRS than getting Read more…

Huck only raises $1m??

After Ames, Mike Huckabee was a rockstar. His campaign manager said that the fundraising calls were coming fast and furious. And now he has only raised $1m? Only $200k more than the previous quarter? Surely Ames and all that free media was worth more than that, no? And, as Marc Read more…

Thompson turns down 1-on-1 debate

Hotline has the story. Apparently Fred Thompson turned down Mike Huckabee’s invitation to debate. While I understand why Thompson wouldn’t want to do this, doesn’t this play into the narrative that he isn’t engaging in real campaigning? Especially with New Hampshire groups offering to host the debate?

Huckabee challenges Thompson to 1-on-1 debate

I love this. The release:

“I am aware of your comments on Fox News that you would like to participate in a series of Lincoln Douglas-styled debates. I would like to officially accept your offer,” wrote Huckabee in a September 7, 2007 letter to Senator Thompson"

With would be a lot of fun. Huckabee invoked Newt too:

“I share your view of the debates and agree that Newt’s ‘Nine Nineties in Nine’ concept is a far better way to make sure America’s next President has the character and capacity to lead our nation forward, that’s why I have already signed that pledge. I agree that what is needed is a real discussion by the candidates about their vision for the future of our country,” wrote Huckabee.

I hope they do this. Full release after the jump. (more…)

Huckabee on health care

Governor Huckabee answered some questions about health care after the debate. This came out of a discussion in which he expressed some frustration that health care, education, trade, and jobs were not being discussed:

Huckabee on Ron Paul

One of the more interesting parts of the debate was the exchange between Mike Huckabee and Ron Paul. After the debate, Governor Huckabee offered some reflections on that exchange.

Thoughts before the spin room

John McCain did well with the national security focus. Mitt Romney always does best with a domestic security focus. I suspect that the commenters will say that McCain won. I was going to say that I am not sure that his position on Iraq was going to resonate with voters. Read more…

Huckabee blogger conference call

Mike Huckabee is holding another blogger conference call. This is my first. These are notes. I will have a seperate analysis post. First, notes from his opening statement: The last two weeks have been intense. "The straw poll has been phenomenal for us." "On a non-stop tour in terms of Read more…