NRLC goes with Fred Thompson

This is a shocker to me. Apparently tomorrow the National Right to Life Committee will endorse Fred Thompson. I have confirmation from a member of the committee. And, apparently, they are moving quickly to try to stop Rudy Giuliani. There are several frames to look at this through: What this Read more…

Huckabee consolidates the religious right

This morning on Tucker, Charmaine Yoest said, approximately: People are talking about endorsements from the Christian movement. and if they are not reporting at all that Don Wildeman, the founder of the American Family Association, a heavyweight on the Christian right that he came out this week for Huckabee. and Read more…

Christian right endorsements flow

It has been a pretty remarkable two days in terms of endorsements: Yesterday, Mitt Romney got Paul Weyrich. Weyrich had been rumored to be going with Fred Thompson, but not so much… And he said Mike Huckabee couldn’t win. This is certainly a DC-insider endorsement. Today, Rudy Giuliani got Pat Read more…

How anti-tax are IA GOP caucus goers?

I am curious. If, as David Yepsen notes, Mike Huckabee is doing well in Iowa, it might be because Iowa caucus-goers are relatively strange. We already know that Iowa GOP caucus-goers are much more anti-war than the national party. We also know that Iowa caucus-goers are more religious than the Read more…

What coulda been

Justin Hart of Race42008 wrote a post that is 95% correct. He said: You don’t try to win straw polls as proof of your national success among a group of voters. You don’t try to win straw polls as proof of momentum. You don’t try to win straw polls as Read more…

Huckabee at FRC

Mike Huckabee has a great crowd here. Certainly a much stronger reception at the beginning than either Romney or Giuliani. Way bigger. Starts with jokes about the baby boomers collecting social security. "If you that’s bad economic news, just wait until you hear about all the old graying hippies getting Read more…