Romney continues to back away from Iraq

From the AP: Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney on Thursday rejected the Bush administration’s vision of a decades-long U.S. troop presence in Iraq akin to South Korea and suggested a need for public benchmarks to gauge progress. "Our objective would not be a Korea-type setting with 25-50,000 troops on a Read more…

GOP Big Tent

Here’s an interesting observation from the Boston Globe: THE VARIETY of opinions expressed by the Republican presidential candidates in last night’s New Hampshire debate made for an engaging evening of aired differences. On Iraq war strategy, immigration, abortion rights, health care, trade, and English as the official US language, the Read more…

Will Ames matter?

Well, Rudy Giuliani will not be at Ames. Neither will Fred Thompson. One has to wonder whether other campaigns will reconsider their commitments. Let’s look at what this all might mean. Here are some possibilities. Ames will select the most important 2nd tier candidate It is clear that the straw Read more…

Romney pro-standing?

This is scathing live blogging about Romney from Ana Marie Cox, no serious person. (H/T to GOP Blue at GOP Progress. ) 8:23 PM Gilmore ALSO STANDING. Mitt Romney totally flummoxed, can’t remember what polling said about standing versus sitting. 8:31 PM Romney’s decided to stand. He’s not going to Read more…

Romney soft-selling the war?

This from the NY Sun struck me in the coverage of the debate: Mayor Giuliani hit his stride early and performed well overall. His succinct and unequivocal response on a question about whether — given what we know now — invading Iraq was a mistake damaged Governor Romney, who gave Read more…