Here’s an interesting observation from the Boston Globe:

THE VARIETY of opinions expressed by the Republican presidential candidates in last night’s New Hampshire debate made for an engaging evening of aired differences. On Iraq war strategy, immigration, abortion rights, health care, trade, and English as the official US language, the ideological diversity on stage in Manchester last night was far broader than what the Democrats displayed two nights earlier. At one point Representative Duncan Hunter of California even accused the three top-tier candidates — John McCain, Mitt Romney, and Rudy Giuliani — of being "from the Kennedy wing of the Republican party," because of their more moderate stances on certain issues.

I think that this is probably correct. The Democratic debates are mostly about style and matters of degree. The differences in the GOP debates are sharp.

This is good news for those of us that think about the future of the party. We certainly have a lot of material to work with.


Soren Dayton

Soren Dayton is an advocacy professional in Washington, DC who has worked in policy, politics, and in human rights, including in India. Soren grew up in Chicago.