Imagine what would happen if this happened on the first day of a Barack Obama or a Mitt Romney presidency, from the New York Times:

An attack on a political rally killed the Pakistani opposition leader Benazir Bhutto near the capital, Islamabad, Thursday. Witnesses said Ms. Bhutto was fired upon at close range before the blast, and an official from her party said Ms. Bhutto was further injured by the explosion, which was apparently caused by a suicide attacker.

That’s why Michael Medved said:

 In the last week before the caucuses, voters are finally taking a serious look at which candidate represents the most plausible commander-in-chief. McCain’s biggest advantage in Iowa, New Hampshire and across the country involves his military background, personal heroism in Vietnam, and courageous consistency concerning the Iraq War. The unmistakable success of the surge (even Harry Reid now admits that the new policy has delivered big time military progress) validates McCain’s leadership and underlines his expertise on defense and foreign policy. A month before making up their minds, citizens may cast about for a “fresh face” or an “agent of change,” but when they face a fateful decision on caucus night or primary day they generally prefer a president who’s ready to lead the ongoing war on Islamo-Nazi terror from day one.

For all the guy’s warts, John McCain really is ready to  be commander-in-chief.

Soren Dayton

Soren Dayton is an advocacy professional in Washington, DC who has worked in policy, politics, and in human rights, including in India. Soren grew up in Chicago.


ee2793 · December 27, 2007 at 5:25 PM

Boy, you take a bad day in the history of democracy to attack President Bush for being a Governor before he took office. That’s sad that you have to attack the President to support McCain. But McCain didn’t even support the Bush tax cuts and was a hair away from RUNNING WITH JOHN KERRY. Where’s your hit piece on Huckleberry: He said the U.S. needs to consider “what impact does it have on whether or not there’s going to be martial law continuing in Pakistan.” Newsflash, Huckleberry, martial was lifted about two weeks ago. What a screw up for a doofus already considered the weakest on foreign policy.

sampo · December 27, 2007 at 6:25 PM

Did Huck support the surge a year ago? We all know Romney didn’t. By Mitt’s own admission he and Hillary have the same views on Iraq.

ee2793 · December 29, 2007 at 9:22 AM

So was President Bush a great president on 9/11 or not? Your post takes a hit at President Bush because he was “only” a governor and then you cry and whine about some McCain hit on someone else. You are a rube, my friend.

Bluey Blog | » links for 2007-12-28 · December 28, 2007 at 9:19 AM

[…] Why foreign policy experience matters – Soren Dayton, Imagine what would happen if this happened on the first day of a Barack Obama or a Mitt Romney presidency (tags: foreign_policy mccain 2008 pakistan) […]

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