So I was poking around on YouTube and came up with this YouTube clip about Mitt Romney.  Something struck me about it: The Dems have trackers on our Presidential candidates. I checked with a source at the DNC, and he confirmed that DNC staff attend GOP presidential candidate events with trackers to video tape. They have produced this video and another. They are trying to frame the GOP candidates now. Note that this is not news. The DNC actually used this as the basis of a fundraising pitch. Referring to Macaca they said:

The Democratic Party needs to support that kind of diligent reporting in the new election cycle — with video crews permanently on the ground in early primary states, for example. What did John McCain say in New Hampshire? Who did Rudy Giuliani visit in Iowa? What did Mitt Romney do in South Carolina? The DNC needs to know the answers to these questions every time a Republican makes a campaign stop, and we have to be ready to take the proper course of action. Let’s set up a state-of-the-art operation to bypass the media and take the story of their lies, flip-flops, and out-of-whack priorities directly to you.

This is a side to the story about whether the amount of DNC attacks could be viewed as a frontrunner metric that was missed.

The DNC has research and is shaping opinion now. Furthermore, they are educating and familiarizing their activists, their bloggers, and the mainstream media about our candidates. That’s scary.

Where is the RNC on this stuff? Does anyone hear a peep out of them these days? Besides this fundraising letter?


Soren Dayton

Soren Dayton is an advocacy professional in Washington, DC who has worked in policy, politics, and in human rights, including in India. Soren grew up in Chicago.