- blamed bush twice already. really? grow up. get some policies. get a plan. #
- i am sorry. obama talked for a long, long time and never said a thing. #
- All of Obama's policies are token policies that do nothing. He does nothing. Pathetic. #
- Pretty amazing to watch Romney hit back on the green subsidies when Obama hits this other stuff. Simple fact. Do the math. #
- Obama has no message. RT @HotlineReid: Segment 2, also going Romney. He's closing well. #
- my grandmother the bank vp is an example of someone who worked hard. No, she's the sort of person who should get hit by means testing #
- @MattGertz @jbouie of course, the President has no policies either. Just banal, trite, shallow critiques too in reply to MattGertz #
- ok, Obama can barely speak. He has so many uhs. This is all trite silliness out of him. Did you learn anything from being president? #
- And correctly too! RT @RohdeD: Amazing. Romney paints Obama as the friend of big banks. #
- Obama just gets so in the weeds. Does he know he's on TV? #
- More of Obama's incredibly choppy incoherent sentences. It sure doesn't sound confident or knowledgable. #
- Have you ever seen someone running for President look so inarticulate as Barack Obama tonight? Breathtaking #
- @jbouie that's what Obama is hoping. He is getting destroyed in reply to jbouie #
- definitely most fun microsite of the cycle so far http://t.co/KntwGPzF #
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