- @MattDabrowski congrats, but thanks for going over in reply to MattDabrowski #
- @wonkroom Impeached judge alcee hastings. in reply to wonkroom #
- I love it how the democrats have an impeached judge leading the charge on deem and pass in rules committee. Next up, Charlie Rangel? #
- dude, they put an entire town on Medicare?!? #
- @mattklewis @daveweigel @benpolitico and don't forget that Bill Owens promised to vote against #hcr in reply to mattklewis #
- @daveweigel @mattklewis @benpolitico apologies. He broke his pledge on his first vote… My mistake. in reply to daveweigel #
- @andrewbreitbart exactly. polling finds that 100% of the 40% that don't pay taxes think taxes aren't too high in reply to andrewbreitbart #
- @PatrickRuffini indeed. the democrats and big business (phrma and others) have cut a deal to enrich themselves and screw us in reply to PatrickRuffini #
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