• "In a statement, CNN Political Director Sam Feist called Erickson a “perfect fit” for the network’s new show “ " http://bit.ly/abqaR5 #
  • "In a statement, CNN Political Director Sam Feist called Erickson a “perfect fit” for the network’s new show “ http://bit.ly/abqaR5 #
  • RT @JohnThune2012: We've gone from passing Bills w/out reading them to passing Bills w/out *voting* on them? http://bit.ly/aksSdV #tcot #sgp #
  • @KagroX total BS. They adopted house amendments. Claiming that's comparable to passing bill X and getting Y for free is really dishonest. in reply to KagroX #
  • @KagroX No. The House will be passing the reconcilliation bill and as a side effect passing the senate amendments. You know better. in reply to KagroX #
  • @KagroX again, total BS. a structured rule that deems an unrelated bill is passed is totally different from a composite motion. Stop lying in reply to KagroX #
  • RT @Senate_GOPs: Obama upside-down in the daily Gallup tracking poll for the first time: 47% disapprove, 46% approve. http://bit.ly/2uPs2 #

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Soren Dayton

Soren Dayton is an advocacy professional in Washington, DC who has worked in policy, politics, and in human rights, including in India. Soren grew up in Chicago.