- RT @PElliottAP: @edhenrycnn asks @PressSec "whether (Rahm) lobbied Cong. Massa in the nude & if that's standard practice 4 ths White House" #
- @daveweigel I had forgotten Massa had been a GOP staffer on the hill. He probably just took the left for a ride to get to congress. in reply to daveweigel #
- @alisavino @DanaHoule @ewerickson has a point. The Nazis were the national socialists. As opposed to the intl socialists. debate in the fam #
- Zing! RT @PoliticsNation: Health care whip count: Not a single Dem has switched from "no" to "yes" — http://is.gd/a49iS #
- i bet massa's cancer is a sharpie … #massabeck #
- I agree RT @notlarrysabato: I think he is lying about everything except Rahm's naked shower encounter (I refuse to give that one up). #
- @NathanWurtzel good to you see and @patrickruffini @moelane and @philipaklein last night … in reply to NathanWurtzel #
- @daveweigel @McCormackJohn: my sense is that the card check guys had their game on a lot better. also, industry is split on health care. in reply to daveweigel #
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