- i love my ipod touch. why do I want a 10in one? WTF is the point of this? #
- RNC state chair's meeting unanimously rejected the Bopp litmus test resolution. #
- 75 minutes?? need another bottle of bourbon #
- NRCC experimenting with SMS on #SOTU Give it a try. http://www.nrcc.org/ #
- @brookeOB1 @cjoh typical of government. giving away stuff that isn't that useful… in reply to brookeOB1 #
- drinking wine out of president's dinner wine glasses #
- he started with building cars as something keeping us busy? He should look more into those car companies he owns … #
- #youlie #rsrh the taxes don't get the money back. #
- #youlie #rsrh so the administration has decided which bogus number they are using for stimulus, even though they change the definition? #
- #rsrh let's take money from one set of companies and give it to their competitors #sotu #
- go trade! Go international partnership! finally! #sotu #
- another subsidy for government employees. #sotu #
- we are going to subsidize housing EVEN MORE? Were you awake the last decade??? #sotu #
- wow. that looked awful. #
- obama gets an F from non-proliferation panel. but he got a nobel peace prize for addressing proliferation #donennothing #
- Dear Progressive Caucus. I would like to introduce you to budget rules. No public option via reconciliation for you … http://bit.ly/aJ9huu #
- See @RoyBlunt #SOTU response http://bit.ly/ahjsHJ #rsrh #
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