McCain can ride these differences

My friend and colleague, Pat Ottenhoff, had an
interesting analysis of Virginia back in June
that could be on
the money:

Major federal contractors set up shop in Northern Virginia and,
in turn, subcontracted work to technology firms that hired
accountants and lawyers. The young professionals who work at those
firms in Tysons Corner, Reston and Ashburn are part of Obama’s core
constituency. But the ideology and lifeblood of many of
these firms is rooted in continued defense spending — one part of
the Bush legacy that McCain would be sure to continue
. In
an election in which Republicans’ Iraq policy will hurt McCain in
almost every state, his bullish foreign policy could actually help
him in some quarters of Virginia.

Let’s forgive Pat for missing the economic crisis and
improvement in Iraq and focus on the basic economic point for a
moment. When
Barney Frank said that he would cut defense spending by 25%
both resonating with an image of Barack Obama and particular
, an opportunity was created.

State Jobs Money
Florida 723,000 $52b

245,000 $56b
416,000 $23b
Pennsylvania  60,000  $8b


Significant defense cuts have the opportunity to creat massive
economic dislocations for people and communities. And they know it.
Just look at the
terror in Northern Virginia over BRAC
. John McCain’s campaign
figured this out. This is basic paycheck issue for a lot of
hard-working people. Suddenly, Barack Obama’s “radicalism” means
something to real people. Let’s look at some numbers.

The key thing to realize hereis that you can cut ads in these
states and people will get it. Imagine scripts like these:

Barack Obama doesn’t just endanger our national security wtih
his untested ideas, he  endangers [state]’s economic
security.  In [state], that means [jobs] jobs. And it just
starts there. When you remove those jobs from [state] everyone
suffers from even lower house prices to the damage done to small

These can be supplemented with statements by local politians
who, inevitably, fell over themselves to talk about BRAC and the
damage that removing even one office at one military base, or even
civilian office, would do to the community.

This is an issue that, when tied with Joe the Plumber and
whatever crazy ACORN or whatever else stuff pops over the weekend
can resonate with John McCain’s underlying message. These are real
issues. Barack Obama is talking about “change”, while John McCain
is talking about what’s in your pocket-book. That’s something that
people understand and that we need to nail the last 5 days of the


Cross-posted from
The Next Right

Categories: Syndicated

Soren Dayton

Soren Dayton is an advocacy professional in Washington, DC who has worked in policy, politics, and in human rights, including in India. Soren grew up in Chicago.