Twitter Updates for 2009-11-15

@?MelissaTweets @mattsheffield GOP leadership does talk about jobs and deficit. all mcdonnell talked about in VA # kit bond says @robincarnahan would be a rubber stamp # Pelosi bill raises costs in violation of Obama's health care promises # @LizMair thats just because you were taller …. # @msbellows Read more…

Twitter Updates for 2009-11-14

Bwi has free wifi but no power outlets # @msbellows @AnonLib you mean what happens to the democratic party if you crush your moderates? # @janehamsher you have a problem with reid waiting to see if he can keep obama's promises? # Powered by Twitter Tools

Twitter Updates for 2009-11-11

Democrats should be scared about the push to raise taxes at the state level … # NYC. Simultaneously France and California on the Hudson. # Did Canadian twitterers break Canadian election law by breaking the results blackout … # Powered by Twitter Tools

Twitter Updates for 2009-11-10

Time to see if the blue dogs are just lapdogs # @PatrickRuffini Wait … @janehamsher wants *another* vote in the House for an even leftier bill without Stupak/Bishops support? bring it on in reply to PatrickRuffini # Chuck DeVore continues to lack a certain …. discipline … # Read more…

Twitter Updates for 2009-11-09

SEIU thugs beat up another cable access reporter and gov employee… # Meg Whitman gives $100k to EDF and then runs for Gov of as a Republican? What's next? PETA and NARAL? # thank god we spent billions helping people buy more F-150s… At least we are bailing Read more…

Twitter Updates for 2009-11-05

Sargent nails it: "open warfare on the GOP leadership and establishment" # @davidhauptmann No. the dem TP is extremism. Total BS. it is "a pox on both your houses". Indies are pissed at leaders ruining our country. in reply to davidhauptmann # @davidhauptmann is it false? the question is Read more…