Twitter Updates for 2010-05-29
Just finished seeing the barnes foundation in philly. What an incredible art collection # Powered by Twitter Tools
Just finished seeing the barnes foundation in philly. What an incredible art collection # Powered by Twitter Tools
Greek PM's phone cut by mistake. meant to cut someone behind on bills… but isn't the greek government? # Who are the "officials" in this story? Government officials? Doesn't say. Did they botch it? # Stuck on metro for 10 minutes so far outside of rosslyn #metrosucks # Read more…
The Hypocrisy Act of 2010 # Chuck Schumer wants photo-ID for buying a cell phone but not voting # Powered by Twitter Tools
Giannoulias can't release his taxes cuz his bank failed… Maybe if he wouldn't have lent to criminals … # Powered by Twitter Tools
@melissatweets asks the right question: I wonder how much the blogger was paid for this? # Obama national co-chair accuses GOP of "almost sedition". Who is challenging patriotism now? # Beautiful pictures on the flickr blog from a friend from college # Powered by Twitter Tools
At West Point, Obama claims credit for Bush's victory in Iraq. # Powered by Twitter Tools
NYT finally notes the pension fund disaster. The public employee unions are becoming dangerous to society # Can you Stabilize the US Debt? I tried but couldn't by 2018. Give it a try! # Powered by Twitter Tools
Chris Bowers: "Like all true lefties, I just wish we could return to the good old days." What they really think… # 175 People Double Voted in One Precinct in PA-12 – Big Government # » 175 People Double Voted in One Precinct in PA-12 – Big Government Read more…
yet another dem afraid to be seen with president Obama # Powered by Twitter Tools
Holy ACORN Batman! Robin 'Rubberstamp' Carnahan is at it again. Watch the cartoon! # Powered by Twitter Tools