Twitter Updates for 2010-07-17
Issa: Why won't Obama fill government oversight and scrutiny positions? via @publici # Powered by Twitter Tools
Issa: Why won't Obama fill government oversight and scrutiny positions? via @publici # Powered by Twitter Tools
If unemployment looks really different than in the past, maybe short-term UI extensions don't make sense? # Charlie Rangel pays legal bills for ethics investigation with lobbyist contributions with business in front of him # @MittRomney your people were trashing her at the 2008 convention. Why would they Read more…
@apzuckerman @lesliebradshaw very true. Note that Canada has had a similar thing recently. Huge new oil and gas reserves are being discoveed in reply to apzuckerman # McCain is going to crush Hayworth. Excellent. # what's the big deal with the iphone 4 dropping phone calls. No one buys Read more…
Awesome RT @districttaco: @sorendayton orale amigo! Because you asked for the cochinita tomorrow, that's what we'll make for tomorrow!! # Wait… Obama wants cap and trade, but is gutting it for SO4? Really? # Lee Bollinger argues big journalism needs bailout after @theeconomist notes media revenues are up Read more…
Canada ads 93k jobs. US loses 180k jobs. Canada has 1/10 the people. Success of Conservative government? # More evidence that evangelical leaders support immigration reform # Powered by Twitter Tools
Isn't it absurd that the NGA is celebrating their new chair who will announce tomorrow he's running for senate? # Powered by Twitter Tools
It sure seems like we moved to prisoner exchange quickly. If these guys had no secrets, why not educate the public with a trial? # Powered by Twitter Tools
Unions outspend companies so far. And Kagan said only GOP would use soft money … # Unions are a monopoly on labor, raising prices, hurting consumers, and lowering productivity # Powered by Twitter Tools
Kagan: People don't use books to campaign, but they use movies? That's completely incoherent # the firefox 4 beta looks great and is fast. But I need, at least, nightly tester tools. I don't see how you can use a beta without that.. # Powered by Twitter Tools
@districttaco are you guys selling tacos today? # Congratulations to Komorowski, Civic Platform, and the people of Poland # Powered by Twitter Tools