Twitter Updates for 2010-08-03
what accountability do the wikileaks leaders and leakers have for the inevitable deaths of informants? # Powered by Twitter Tools
what accountability do the wikileaks leaders and leakers have for the inevitable deaths of informants? # Powered by Twitter Tools
Today the Senate Democrats voted en bloc to restrict speech for their political enemies. Thank god it failed. # 70% of homes in Nevada underwater. I am sure that Harry Reid is excited by that number. # Lesson to dems: When people don't like Ds or Rs, the tea Read more…
how can people see regulators making up numbers and conclude the answer is more regulators? # I hate foreign fees on credit cards # @stacyqc @LizMair will try that. It ended up being a lot of money in reply to stacyqc # GE is complaining about other companies getting Read more…
I just ousted @jbtaylor as the mayor of Calvary Baptist Church on @foursquare! # Powered by Twitter Tools
@RoyBlunt 48, @RobinCarnahan 42. Obama's #s "horrible". Indies like #teaparty agenda 47-30 # Powered by Twitter Tools
given that winners of the senate special elections will be seated as soon as certified, it strikes me that this "lame duck" talk is nonsense # Once again, Democrats condemn transparency when they are in charge… # I just ousted @mr_cw as the mayor of Metro Halal Food Cart Read more…
So does this mean that Obama and the unions run a subprime lender now? Bet he didn't want to do that either. # Powered by Twitter Tools
how did any numerate person think that shelly more capito was going to run for senate? # This is what a cheap, dumb political stunt looks like. Vote @langsias to stop this junk # Powered by Twitter Tools
There were voters turned away at Black Panther polling place… Online # How can the NAACP claim to be appalled by something said months ago at their dinner? Appalled it came out? # Check out @RoyBlunt's new ad # Powered by Twitter Tools
Hayes nails it. The issue is that the Obama DoJ dismissed a politically awkward conviction for a Dem party official # Powered by Twitter Tools