Twitter Updates for 2010-12-18

First Chinese Ghost towns… Now Spanish… And Detroit is shrinking … # @daveweigel @jmartpolitico @Timodc @SenJohnMcCain multiple primaries are remarkable things … in reply to daveweigel # Powered by Twitter Tools

Twitter Updates for 2010-12-16

Tawainese animation … AWOL Obama leaves Bill in charge # Howie Carr is trashing Mitt Romney on Boston/New Hampshire radio. # Over half of Michael Steele's support comes from "states" without electoral votes. # @mikegehrke I thought you were going to hate on me for hating on the Read more…

Twitter Updates for 2010-12-15

@owenpaun basically. Today there's a package at the pentagon which is shutting everything in reply to owenpaun # i had heard about the ghost cities but never really seen pictures. this is amazing. # Powered by Twitter Tools

Twitter Updates for 2010-12-11

truly extraordinary that Bill Clinton is giving a WH presser. # obama just left clinton at the podium? # "with your credibility on the deficit"? In contrast to @barackobama? # Amazing how the "primary obama" argument is implying Obama = Carter # Powered by Twitter Tools