Twitter Updates for 2011-01-04

RT @ErinMcPike: Does anyone else think that this debate is not totally going in the right direction for "front-runner" Reince Priebus? # RT @niclott: RT @bmichaelandrews: #rncdebate "we cannot be a party that sits back with a litmus test and excludes" – steele best quote yet # RT @mattsheffield: Wagner: Read more…

Twitter Updates for 2011-01-03

Wasn't it a 56 state strategy? # RT @EauPureEtClaire: Yo, @ReincePriebus! You have ZERO credibility where the tea party is concerned. You destroyed … # @bccohan @PatrickRuffini ask the WI RLC about that. They have a letter about how he screwed them at the state convention in reply to Read more…

Twitter Updates for 2010-12-23

absolutely shameful that Jarrett says "we don't talk like that in Chicago". Instead you are in and from a corrupt political culture. # Arlington, VA taxes people for working on a 1099. Because self-employment, higher health care, and others aren't penalty enough # Powered by Twitter Tools

Twitter Updates for 2010-12-22

Bye-bye capslock. The UNIX computers got this right … There's No Caps Lock On Google's New Laptop – The Consumerist # Slow news day in Canada… Absolutely hysterical reporting from @kadyomalley # Powered by Twitter Tools