Twitter Updates for 2011-01-13

John Ryder on why Ann Wagner via @NationalJournal # Tim Mak breaks big news about Boehner's endorsement of Cino # Wagner and preibus get one each out of Puerto Rico # Powered by Twitter Tools

Twitter Updates for 2011-01-12

ex-Rep Kanjorski (D) called for the murder of now-Gov. Scott of FL. Now he wants civility? # Daniels Compares Illinois to "The Simpsons" … as a native of Chicago, I am digging it … # citibank online banking has been down for over 30 hours. pretty amazing. # Read more…

Twitter Updates for 2011-01-11

@JRubinBlogger does a fantastic job on the issue of media and vitriol # The only new, successful leftist movement in the world since the fall of communism dies during the global downturn # Powered by Twitter Tools

Twitter Updates for 2011-01-08

Awesome… Carney on Ratigan re: Corruption # What a shock. Another broken promise … Why doesn't William Daley violate Obama's lobbyist ban? # my vote for the day's best info-graphic porn # Powered by Twitter Tools

Twitter Updates for 2011-01-07

@mattklewis The rules committee can deal with details of the calendar, interpretations of rules in fights. in reply to mattklewis # @HotlineReid that's awesome. You are now one of my nerd-heroes. in reply to HotlineReid # Very important MT @LizMair If RNC blasts Obamacare citing problems w RomneyCare in MA, Read more…