Defending myself on McCain and technology

Point of personal privilege.

Ben Smith wrote about John McCain and the alleged need for him to look like he is technologically more sophisticated. When Ben called me, I told him that I thought it was a cheap attack against McCain. Jon Henke noted that  "Howard Dean ‘was a self-described ‘technophobe’".

Ben seems to suggest that I think that McCain should wear a stupid-looking high-tech earpiece. I don’t. That was Ben’s suggestion. I told him that I thought it was a bad idea, but I joked that an older-tech earpiece might be reminiscent of a fighter-pilot’s head-gear. That is clearly not how he represented me.

I was not misquoted — I was not quoted at all –, but my opinion was wildly misrepresented.

Who played the race card? Rasmussen finds that Obama did

“Dollar bill” line about race, while Brittany ad not

actually asked people:

As for Obama’s comment, 53% of white voters saw it as racist, as
did 44% of African-Americans and 61% of all other voters.

So who was racist?

Unaffiliated voters, by a five-to-one margin, said the McCain ad
was not racist. By a much narrower 50% to 38% margin, unaffiliateds
viewed Obama’s comment as racist.

Perhaps the press and the lunatic lefty bloggers will stop now.
They are knifing their own candidate by screaming about this.