Notes on Romney speech

It took me a lot of time to process Mitt Romney’s speech tonight. I had seen John McCain’s and Sam Brownback’s on TV. Romney’s was in sharp contrast to the others. He offered lots of details and great quotes like: "Time to make out of wedlock births out of fashion." Read more…

Romney taxed New Hampshire

There’s a fight over taxes between Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani. Yesterday, Romney accused Rudy of supporting a commuter tax. But, as always seems to be the case for Romney, whose operating principle seems to be "what is good for me is not good for thee," Romney raised the commuter Read more…

Romney peaking in Iowa?

Real Clear Politics polling suggests that Mitt Romney has not been able to maintain his bump from the Ames Straw Poll. Is Romney peaking? Did people take a second look at him after Ames and …. pass? Romney is the yellow line in the RCP averages. It appears that  Romney’s Read more…

What Would Romney Do?

Reading the morning news, this little vignette about Fred Thompson at the Iowa Christian Alliance meeting struck me: At one point in the receiving line, a man’s Huckabee sticker fell off while he was shaking Thompson’s hand, so the former Senator picked it up and playfully slapped it back onto Read more…