Mitt goes Hillary on Huckabee

"Fading" Mitt Romney has gone Hillary on Mike Huckabee. One of the turning points of Hillary Clinton’s campaign was when she went personal on Barack Obama. She said that he wanted to be President since he was in kindergarten. Well. Romney, after achieving Clintonian honesty, is now borrowing Clintonian negative Read more…

National Review endorses Romney

Yesterday, National Review endorsed Mitt Romney. This came as a surprise to no one, and it’s significance is unclear. It seems that the operative parts of the endorsement are: Our guiding principle has always been to select the most conservative viable candidate. In our judgment, that candidate is Mitt Romney, Read more…

Romney goes negative on Huckabee

The first negative TV ad of the cycle comes out with Mitt Romney attacking Mike Huckabee’s immigration position.  The commentariat and the Huckabee campaign have responded pretty sharply. Jonathan Martin called it "Mitt desperation". Chris Cilizza said: First, it attempts to blur any differences between Romney and Huckabee on issues Read more…

CNN setting a Romney narrative?

From yesterday. Note the closing quote: this is a narrative that is continuing with Mitt Romney that he says something publicly that might not match what he is doing privately or what he has done in the past H/T: Jen Rubin. Marc Ambinder was also there.

Romney’s speech

UPDATE: I’ve watched. The twitter traffic was positive for Romney. The comments that I have heard have not. Bill Bennett on CNN was pretty negative I thought. I’ve read the excerpts of Mitt Romney’s speech. They seem pretty banal. If this is all it is, is it worth it?

Is Romney closing on Mormonism?

Let me get this straight. A candidate has a religion problem. He is giving a big speech on religious liberty. And his supporters are dropping a movie, Article VI: The Movie. They also sent out a media advisory, the text of which is after the jump. But the text is the interesting part: (excuse the erratic formatting. It was in the text of the release)

Filmmaker Bryan Hall of Living Biography Media along with co-producer and former Assistant White House Press Secretary Reed Dickens will announce the release of the feature length documentary entitled, Article VI. The film is an intense discussion of the role of faith in politics intended to examine the national scrutiny of a candidate’s religion in the 2008 election

The filmmakers and representatives will hold a conference call with bloggers to discuss the film and its potential impact on voters in key primary states.  The film will be accompanied by an aggressive grassroots marketing campaign.    

So supporters of Romney intend to highlight his religion in the last several weeks of the campaign? When he has to win Iowa and South Carolina, two states whose nominating contests are dominated by evangelicals? In essence, going into Christmas, evangelicals are going to be presented with a large-scale discussion of Romney’s religion. How can that be good?

Advisory after the break (more…)