Granite Grok’s corrective to Ames

Granite Grok has an important corrective to the discussion about Ames: I recognize that Mitt Romney gobbled up a lot of the hardcore GOP stalwarts early in the game. I have seen this for myself here in the Granite State. In an independently-orientating state like ours where more and more people are less Read more…

What’s a movement? Do we have one?

Patrick Ruffini wants a "Movement 2.0." While I agree with the sentiment, I want some specifics. Ruffini starts with: A common thread is that the other shoe won’t likely drop until we have Hillary to unite against. I’d like to pick apart that assumption. The basic assumption is sound. The Read more…

YouTube GOP success, several different ways

Eric Pfieffer from the Washington Times says, basically, that the Save the Debate coalition has won: The majority of Republican presidential candidates are backing off their objections to participating in the unconventional YouTube debate. Candidates’ reservations about the seriousness of the format, which features videotaped questions from voters, and the Read more…