Huckabee = Bush, like Clinton

Wow. Save the GOP doesn’t much like Bush or Huckabee do they? "As for Huckabee, he just reminds me of another George W Bush and he supports higher government spending and a welfare state. Sorry, but one President from Arkansas was enough. Do we really want to repeat that??"

Club for Growth praises Brownback

The Club for Growth continued its evaluation of 2008 candidates with Sam Brownback, with a mostly positive result. This is important for Brownback because it differentiates him from Mike Huckabee, who the Club has savaged. I think that this confirms that Brownback is in the 2nd-tier, not the 3rd. He Read more…

Will Huckabee get to define Huckabee?

Several things have come together for Mike Huckabee recently. National Journal is giving him a bump. He picks up some good staff in New Hampshire. He gets called one of the two options for Evangelicals (although McCain is getting some attention). For Huckabee, there are two or three issues. First, Read more…

Nothing wrong with Romney 2006 fundraising

I’ve been a little surprised by Jeanne Cumming’s WSJ article about Mitt Romney’s fundraising.  The article says: Mr. Romney’s financial network is in a long tradition of candidates working around post-Watergate campaign-finance rules. No. He is working within. The purpose of the federal laws are to prevent the appearance of Read more…

So who gave money to Huckabee?

Earlier, I commented on the spin surrounding Mike Huckabee’s $500k fundraiser. As always happens with fundraising claims, the truth does come out: About 27 people or entities accounted for roughly $450,000 of the total, At most 100 more people (and several couples were represented in that number) contributed the rest at $500 Read more…

More buzz on Huckabee

There has been a lot of attention recently placed on Mike Huckabee:

In other words, Huckabee has been attracting a lot of significant attention.  There still is no credible candidate of the religious right. Sam Brownback is not setting anyone afire. Frankly, he’s a boring speaker, but he does quite well in small groups. In the context of the Iowa caucus, there’s always room for a breakout candidate who fires up the religious voters. Mike Huckabee could be that guy. Read on.