Romney against tax simplification

So says Dan Hoover: Romney told reporters and editors of The Des Moines Register last month that he wants to lower marginal tax rates for Americans, not overhaul the code. "I’m probably not going to be recommending throwing out the code and starting over," he said. That’s exactly where the Read more…

Rudy and winner-take-all primaries

Marc Ambinder has a great article on the New Jersey delegate selection process. The idea is pretty simple. There is a push to make New Jersey’s primary "winner-take-all," meaning that the candidate with the plurality gets all 52 delegates. The point is that other states may go this route. Utah Read more…

Giuliani and the evangelicals

One of the great questions of this election will be whether social conservatives abandon Rudy Giuliani. Conventional wisdom suggests that they will. The Giuliani campaign has gone to great lengths to argue that they will not. Today, the LA Times weighs in with polls and anecdotes: "He’s got that New Read more…