The blogosphere, Obama, and the media

Marc Ambinder writes, in response to Matt Yglesias,  that Hillary Clinton is "not doomed! Yet!" and discusses her relationship with the blogosphere. The fundamental question is "does Hillary’s failure to catch on in the lefty blogosphere mean that she is doomed." Marc describes one way of answering the question: In Read more…

GOP Winning in 2008

Kavon over at Race 4 2008 got me back to this little project I have of comparing general election matchups for various GOP candidates.

Rasmussen has started to collect general election matchups. I have collected them and presented them in, what I think, is the clearest and most useful format (note that these are not all from the same poll, so methodologically, there is something deeply unsound about this. RCP averages would be great):

  Clinton Obama Edwards Fav – UnFav % unknown
Giuliani +8 +1 +7 +33 3%
McCain +7 0 -9 +17 3%
Thompson +1 -12  -14 +13 41%
Gingrich -7 -10   -5 9%
Romney -9 -15 -26 -5 31%
Brownback -5 -15   -19 43%

Analysis of the digits after the jump.

Why the Democrats shouldn’t run Congress…

Sorry for being a little off-topic, but I thought this was classic. Don Wolfensberger, one of the great Congressional procedure wonks, described in Roll Call ($) the procedure that allowed the GOP to amend a the DC vote bill with a DC gun ban provision. The whole event is a brilliant lesson in the hypocrisy of the House Democratic leadership. This is a long post and a little esoteric. So, if you are interested in Congressional procedure and Democratic hypocrisy, read more after the jump.

Hillary raises $26m

That’s the number from the Hotline. They note that, for her, that isn’t really that impressive. Furthermore, this is a primary and general number. As the Romney memo notes, this number is a little bunk. The NYT’s Caucus points out results for Joe Biden, $3m, and Bill Richardson, $6m. They Read more…