Ironies of the Hsu scandal

I keep giggling whenever I read about the Norman Hsu scandal. First, Fred Thompson got it right. Didn’t the Clinton’s learn anything from the fundraising scandals of the 90s? Second, the first great fundraising scandal of the post-Abramoff ethics era is about an illegal donor. He didn’t give money for Read more…

Hillary has another shady fundraiser

Sometimes I offer advice to candidates. When you are trying to shake a story about felon-fundraisers, don’t hold fundraisers at the home of people convicted of extortion who steal elections. We are talking about Raul Martinez, the former mayor of Hialeah, Florida with a shady past. Back in 1991 Martinez, Read more…

Clinton rolls out housing policy

I have talked a bunch about the housing crunch and its impact on politics. Inevitably the question turns to something like, what can Republicans say or do now to get us out from underneath this issue. Frankly we struggle to find good answers. Well, Hillary Clinton is announcing her answers. Read more…

More on the Obama voter issue

Remember all that blabber about Barack Obama getting so much Facebook support? Recall Patrick Ruffini’s recent discussions about who Obama’s voters are? He said this: See, Barack Obama has mobilized people, even if he hasn’t mobilized the netroots. He’s brought in students, African Americans, and apparently, young females. These are Read more…

Bloomberg effect has the results of a 16-state survey of 2-way and 3-way matchups between Giulaini, Clinton, and Bloomberg. First, the data: 3-way 2-way Bloomberg Effect State Giuliani Clinton Bloomberg Giuliani Clinton From G From H Alabama 46 39 11 53 41 -7 -2 California 40 45 10 44 49 -4 Read more…