Money boxing people out?

The Boston Globe has an interesting article about a number of big states moving up their primaries: Political leaders in California, Florida, and Michigan are gaining momentum in their efforts to move up the 2008 presidential primaries in their states to shortly after New Hampshire’s first-in-the-nation primary, which could lead Read more…

California moving up too?

The NYT reports on this: California lawmakers from both parties, hoping to give the state more say in the nominating process, are considering moving the presidential primary from June to a date nearer the New Hampshire primary in January. (Incidentally, I don’t think that this can be right because the Read more…

Broder on Dem calender shuffle

David Broder — a fellow University of Chicago alum — wrote a great article on the Dem calendar shuffle which I have written on here and here. First he points out the history of Dem calender rule-changes: This way lies madness, and madness is what the Democrats have wrought. When Read more…

Dems move up NV and SC, Screw NH

Hotlineblog has some of the details (unfortunately, something is screwed up with their link). The Chicago Tribune and Manchester Union Leader have the best coverage. First, the procedure. The DNC’s Rules and Bylaws Committee passed a resolution fixing the beginning of the 2008 Dem primary and caucus schedule. Today it Read more…