A standard question is "who is actually supporting Ron Paul?" There has been an assumption that the answer is "not Republicans", but there isn’t always evidence. Then I was reminded of this when a comment was left on a video of Mike Huckabee putting the smack-down on Ron Paul. The recent comment said:

If you support Ron Paul, understand that you MUST REGISTER TO VOTE REPUBLICAN. The cut off in most states is the middle of this month. That is only a couple of days away. It is CRITICAL that if you want Ron Paul to be our next President, you MUST vote for him in the Primaries, and therefore MUST register to vote Republican. To do so and to get this man into the Presidential Election, simply go to gopdotcom and take a few seconds to Register To Vote Republican TODAY. Thank You!

Then, of course, there is the 2nd banner on Ron Paul’s site. (banner URL here)

Yup. The Ron Paul team is campaigning to non-Republicans to change registration… Awesome.


Soren Dayton

Soren Dayton is an advocacy professional in Washington, DC who has worked in policy, politics, and in human rights, including in India. Soren grew up in Chicago.


Tex MacRae · October 13, 2007 at 1:04 PM

Actually, that is specific to New York and New Hampshire. Those primaries are closed. In NY independents and Democrats can’t vote in the R primary. In NH D’s can’t

Anyway, isn’t it good that Dems are registering R, like for example, the Reagan Democrats? I think it’s well known that Ron Paul appeals across party lines.

torchbearer · October 13, 2007 at 1:39 PM

That just means Ron Paul has supporters that aren’t republican, just like Ronald Reagan. It doesn’t mean none of his supporters are republican.
As a journalist, you should know the fallacy of correlations and the possible misinformation you can spread by making false inferences.

NH · October 13, 2007 at 4:20 PM

UM there is going to be a Washington Post articel come Monday, about a cross section of Paul supporters from ages 27-60 and I think you will find that most if not all are at least Republicans if not R’s turned independent as we have 43% independent here in NH.

I hardly think there were any democrats among us.

kylebrotherton · October 13, 2007 at 5:02 PM

Young people shouldn’t be allowed to vote. Shame on them for helping to register new voters.

Also, the Republican party shouldn’t be trying to win back conservatives and independents. No new members, please.

newlyrepublican · October 14, 2007 at 12:03 AM

Guess what, if you register as republican and you vote for a republican: THAT MAKES YOU A REPUBLICAN.

Republicans should be PROUD to have a candidate so good that new people are willing to join the party just to be able to vote for him.

By your logic, no-one new is every allowed to join the party.

Elwar · October 14, 2007 at 12:22 AM

Also most of his support is coming from those who have not voted in many years because of dissatisfaction with the neo-cons that have taken over the Republican Party.

fj45 · October 14, 2007 at 1:46 AM

I am republican and support Paul…and I am very happy that Paul is bringing young people into the “fold” of limited government and personal responsibility even though most of the rest of the GOP has demonstrated that is not what they stand for anymore. If the GOP cannot support its once “grand” ideals that they seem to have forgotten and be excited over young people who are discovering such then they are in much bigger trouble than the last election demonstrated. Paul has never voted to raise taxes once and doesn’t want to “reform” the beast but “slay” it altogether.

Vote Paul…the only true conservative.

eye · October 14, 2007 at 6:49 AM

I have no problem with the Paul campaign bringing in new Republicans. I hope that they stay that way

Of course, if the guy won’t support the nominee, I doubt that they’ll stay with us or support our nominee

And a part of me really likes Ron Paul. I think his economic analysis, as expressed in the Michigan debate, is quite solid.

But he’s a crank on foreign policy

neil · October 14, 2007 at 12:09 PM

Wow, you found a way to really bring the comments.

Giuliani’s supporters have apparently been working to make it so registered independents can vote in California’s GOP primary. Isn’t this pretty much worse? Particularly since Ron Paul is working hard to win the kind of independent voter who is nonetheless sympathetic to Republicans?

eye · October 14, 2007 at 6:15 PM

I don’t have a problem with people trying to get people to switch their registration. I just think it is telling when that is a major message of the campaign.

Giuliani voters are definitely GOP inclined. They are probably Schwarzenegger-style taxes and security independents who are social liberals. I welcome them.

jbozzi · October 15, 2007 at 11:55 AM

actually I think you have it backwards. I grew up a Reagan Republican believing a conservative Republican was someone for small govt. I left the Republican party a few years ago after I realized these new Republicans (especially the neocons) like small govt about as much as Michael Moore likes salads. I’ll support Dr Paul and Republicans that run on the Paul platform (we are already starting to see this happen locally). Research a little, the neocon philosophy is really just the latest form of big govt socialism.

eye · October 15, 2007 at 12:17 PM

As, I’ve said, I think that he has a lot of economics dead on.

But he believes that foreign aid is unconstitutional. Not wrong. Not inefficient. Not anything else. Unconstitutional.

Unserious. A crank.

Publius Endures · October 15, 2007 at 12:56 PM

I think you are reading way too much into this. For starters, I know a number of long-time Republicans or now-disillusioned Republicans who are Ron Paul supporters, myself included (oddly enough, you yourself can confirm my Republican credentials- I met you at a couple of Republican functions in your pre-blogging days).
In any event, any candidate who is running a primary campaign is going to want to make sure that his or her supporters are properly registered.
This isn’t to say that there aren’t a lot of small “l” libertarians (who, by the way, used to be overwhelmingly members of the Republican party) and even some fairly liberal Democrats amongst the Ron Paul supporters. But it is to say that you can’t use e-mails like this to prove that there are few Republicans amongst Ron Paul’s supporters.
Indeed, Ron Paul supporters are very likely to be first-time voters or to have not voted in quite some time due to disillusionment; in some states this can result in not being included amongst registered Republicans for primary voting purposes. In fact, this is precisely what happened to me in 2000- my absentee ballot for the previous federal election had not been received and, as a result, I had been removed from the eligible primary voter’s roster.

jbozzi · October 15, 2007 at 1:11 PM

ok, so the big issue is the foreign policy. I’ll admit I used to feel that way too but not am 100% with Dr. Paul now. What I realize now is that one cannot be for endless war, going to war with following the constitution, policing the world, and nation building…. but still say you are for SMALL government. It is simply impossible and a complete contradiction. It is dragging our country down and will destroy us just as much as the welfare/entitlement state will. There are much better solutions to these problems, but frankly there are a lot of people making a lot of money off the current policies now.

scabby · October 15, 2007 at 1:19 PM

One of the reasons for having such a broad spectrum of candidates in the primaries is to help raise funds for the party and find niche issues that can build a coalition. This is how you grow the party. Since 2004 the base of the Republican party has shrunk, so the fact that any candidate is out there bringing back Independents and Reagan Democrats to stop the contraction of party numbers is a good thing. McCain did this in 2000 and I don’t remember really anyone complaining then.

What amazes me is that any Republican would be enraged that Independents and Democrats might want to change party affiliation to support a candidate who is pro-life, for smaller government, and wants to protect our borders…oh but right…he’s against the war so all bets are off. He’s not even against the war for hippy peacenik reasons either but because of a principled position on the constitution…but that doesn’t matter either I guess.

I don’t agree with every position of every candidate in the Republican field but I have been a Republican all of my life. What I’m witnessing now is a party that is destined to lose in ’08 because it won’t reach out or look at itself. Stop the in-fighting! If Congressman Paul has no chance of winning then court his followers by applauding his service to the country and his admirable principled stances on the issues…if you don’t then the scores and scores of Independents and Democrats he’s winning over will leave the “R” ranks and will probably never return.

Founder · October 15, 2007 at 1:20 PM

As a member of the Republican party since 1992, who voted for Bush, Sr.’s relection bid and Bush W. both times I think I am one who is voting for Ron Paul who is a Republican.

I can remember when the Republican party was more like what Ron Paul is talking about.

So if anybody should go its the NeoCons – neo means new – in otherwords, NeoCons are the infil-traitors.

eye · October 15, 2007 at 1:37 PM

I am fascinated that you all are fetishizing one word. “Neocons.”

There is a lot to Ron Paul. His anti-war position is only one part of it.

If you want a single-issue anti-war libertarian, he is your man. If you want someone who can describe some of what is happening to our economy right now, as he can do, then he is your man.

But otherwise the dude is a crank.

William Dalton · October 15, 2007 at 3:38 PM

I was a Jesse Helms College Republican in 1976 when we organized to win the North Carolina Republican Primary for Ronald Reagan. This was the first primary victory for Reagan that year and turned the tide for the California Governor, because he won nearly every primary thereafter and nearly wrested the nomination from President Ford. One of our primary objectives in the campaign was to convince conservative Democrats (Jessecrats) to re-register as Republicans so they could vote for Reagan in the primary. We succeeded, and four years later built a new Republican Party that would actually put conservatives into Congress and the White House. I am supporting Ron Paul because I am sick and tired of the Bush-Giuliani big government war machine corrupting the good name of the Republican Party. Thirty years ago a lot of Democrats became Republicans, saying, “I didn’t leave the Democrat Party. The Party left me.” If the GOP travels down the same road in 2008 it has for the last ten years, they will find a lot of these same Southern conservatives and their children saying the same thing about the Republican Party.

abb3w · October 16, 2007 at 10:28 AM

To the extent that it gets people who have previously considered themselves Independents and Libertarians to join, that would seem to be a good thing for the proverbial Republican “big tent” strategy. If its liberal Democrats changing to a registration of convenience because they think Ron Paul can’t win the national election, that’s less good (if classic political chicanery, which I’ve seen done by both sides).

Conservative Democrats re-registering would seem to fall somewhere in the middle.

Politically, I call myself a “Pragmatist” these days. I lean Libertarian, but have enough socially and environmentally leftward leanings that I don’t call myself one, and my stance on the war generally pisses off everyone I explain it to. I considered joining the Ron Paul swarm, but my concerns about faint hints of racist and theocratic streaks leave me leary enough that I’m going with my first instinct: after the antics of the Nixon and present Bush administrations, I will not vote for anyone running under the banner of the Republican party in my lifetime.

Perhaps with the issue of Slavery settled, it might be time to bring back the Whigs?

The Right’s Field » Recent Republicans for Ron Paul · October 13, 2007 at 4:25 PM

[…] Soren Dayton picked up on an interesting facet of the Ron Paul campaign: urging would-be supporters to switch parties and vote Paul in the Republican primaries. A standard question is “who is actually supporting Ron Paul?” There has been an assumption that the answer is “not Republicans”, but there isn’t always evidence. Then I was reminded of this when a comment was left on a video of Mike Huckabee putting the smack-down on Ron Paul. The recent comment said: If you support Ron Paul, understand that you MUST REGISTER TO VOTE REPUBLICAN. The cut off in most states is the middle of this month. That is only a couple of days away. It is CRITICAL that if you want Ron Paul to be our next President, you MUST vote for him in the Primaries, and therefore MUST register to vote Republican. To do so and to get this man into the Presidential Election, simply go to gopdotcom and take a few seconds to Register To Vote Republican TODAY. Thank You! […]

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