The FlashReport has a mumble of trouble with Mitt Romney’s California fundraising operation:

There are some changes taking place in the California operations of Mitt Romney’s fledgling campaign for President.  FR is still tracking down the details, but we’ve heard from very reliable sources that California uber-fundraising Anne Dunsmore and her California Capital Campaigns (see the ad to the right), who have been doing fundraising for Romney’s Commonwealth PAC, are not doing the general, federally limited Presidential campaign fundraising for the retiring Massachusetts Governor.  We’ll see how this shakes out.

I’ve heard similar whispers too. This is Anne Dunsmore’s firm. Anne worked with Romney at the RGA. One of the issues is his PR disaster over the last several weeks over abortion, gay rights, etc. People feel like Romney simply hasn’t been honest with him. At the same time, his handling of it just doesn’t look prime-time, even though the staff is first-tier.

Note a similar tone in an article in today’s Boston Globe about events yesterday in New Hampshire:

"When I first heard his answer about his journey of becoming prolife, I began to feel better about the questions being asked of him lately," said Shannon McGinley of Bedford, N.H. "After talking with him in person, though, it is hard to figure out what he does believe."


"People in the prolife community are still looking for that strong, Reagan-like conservative, and we have a lot of questions about Romney," said Karen Testerman, a social conservative activist from Concord, N.H. "What he said today were good answers, but I think you will be hearing us asking him these questions a lot."

Another blog has coverage of the meeting, including how he (mis)handled some questions


The Right’s Field » Blog Archive » No-Mo Mitt - Time to Start a campaign death watch · December 22, 2006 at 5:18 PM

[…] Instead of dwelling on Romney’s chances it seems much more appropriate to start the Romney campaign death watch. Will he even be able to “officially announce” in January as his staff starts bailing ship? Can he land a jab or two against McCain before leaving in February? Can Romney limp to the first primaries? […] » Romney losing support in Michigan · December 29, 2006 at 12:26 PM

[…] Ouch. This is not the first time that Romney has lost supporters. He recently lost his California fundraising consultant, who had worked with him at the Republican Governors’ Association. The story goes on. They see a flip-flop-flip-flop-flip on abortion, as the representatives who may leave Romney are really questioning the legitimacy of his conservative credentials. Romney has always said he has evolved on these issues over the years, but these folks in Michigan think it’s okay to evolve, but some of this seems to be major flip flop material, especially on the life issue where they point out how he’s gone from pro-choice in 1994, to pro-life in 2000, to pro-choice in 2002 and now back to pro-life. Romney’s office will dispute this, but what they can’t dispute is a potential unraveling among their steering committee in Michigan. Michigan is crucial to Romney. […]

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