Mitt Romney loaned his campaign $2.5m, according to Hotline. That was a goof for two reasons. The first is that it steps on his own story. The second is that he had suggested that he shouldn’t need to do that:

Romney himself said later that contributing any of his personal wealth to the campaign "would be akin to a nightmare," but he said he reserved the right to do so should circumstances warrant.

Now, the question is, when did he do it? Hotline gives a little hint:

The money was used to fund Romney’s "testing the water" phase — he couldn’t transfer any money from his federal PAC, and since he wasn’t a federal office-holder, he had no federal campaign cash to play with.

Which lasted about a week until he raised $6.5m.  Right? So was he just misleading reporters about that?

That said, $20m really is quite an accomplishment.


Soren Dayton

Soren Dayton is an advocacy professional in Washington, DC who has worked in policy, politics, and in human rights, including in India. Soren grew up in Chicago.