Earlier today, David French of Evangelicals for Mitt said that Romney has “the ability to consistently and persuasively articulate and advance the values and ideas that drive his policies.” And David is right that Romney is a great — great — speaker. However, this point was made in contrast with President Bush:

Conservatives have problems with [Bush’s] approach to health care, his response to Katrina, his approach to immigration, and the way he has fought the Iraq war. Above it all hovers a seeming inability to offer a sustained and convincing public case for his values and methods.

In other words, according to David French, Bush has 5 problems:

  • Health care. Big government is my problem here. I’m not sure that Romney’s got the solution there.
  • Katrina. Well, ok, not pleased with the whole thing.
  • Immigration. I’m with the President here thank you.
  • Iraq War(!). Now this one is pretty shocking to me. Is that what he really meant? That’s certainly not where the base is on this one.
  • But beyond all of that, he is saying that Romney is good on values. Better than Bush…

Hmmm. Consider this, also from today, another Michigan conservative attacks Romney from the right for his pro-choice record. Iowa’s Caucus Cooler has the info:

Governor Mitt Romney is clearly not a suitable nominee for pro-life elected officials to support for President of the United States.

I know that social conservative leaders in Michigan like President of the American Family Association of Michigan Gary Glenn, Judy Zabik, Judy Climer of Black Americans for Life and other pro-life activists share my concerns.

Update: Full letter here.

A couple of weeks ago, it was Glenn Gary.Interesting contrast… “consistently and persuasively articulate and advance the values and ideas that drive his policies…
