New ads are up. The verdict is in. Huck wins the exchange. I do agree that the crime and ethics issues are what ought to hurt Mike Huckabee.

One of the big questions was how people were going to handle ads around Christmas. Huckabee has managed to come up with an ad that can run the whole time and that is part of his message.

Now the real question is going to be whether someone (paging Fred Thompson) goes negative on Mitt Romney. Thompson has great material for this.


Soren Dayton

Soren Dayton is an advocacy professional in Washington, DC who has worked in policy, politics, and in human rights, including in India. Soren grew up in Chicago.

1 Comment

ee2793 · December 17, 2007 at 10:24 PM

The verdict is in… But wait, Hucklebee threw out the verdict and let the rapist go to commit murder once more…

P.S. The verdict is in, “Romney for President,” National Review:
Our guiding principle has always been to select the most conservative viable candidate. In our judgment, that candidate is Mitt Romney. Unlike some other candidates in the race, Romney is a full-spectrum conservative: a supporter of free-market economics and limited government, moral causes such as the right to life and the preservation of marriage, and a foreign policy based on the national interest. By the Editors,

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