I asked John McCain what he thought of Mitt Romney’s "notes" comment. The Senator said that when Romney checks his notes:

The record will show that he was looking at his shoes.


Soren Dayton

Soren Dayton is an advocacy professional in Washington, DC who has worked in policy, politics, and in human rights, including in India. Soren grew up in Chicago.


sampo · January 2, 2008 at 12:02 PM

McCain has done more for this country than Romney can ever hope to do in his life. I knew it was lights out for Romney the second he went negative on McCain.

dotan · January 2, 2008 at 9:34 PM

Yes, only the Romney-Behemoth jerks and twitches still, moribund though it might be to all but itself. And it still spews slime in all directions.

Do you think Sen. McCain would mind burying it for us?

ee2793 · January 2, 2008 at 10:16 PM

On the eve of Iowa all you McCain sockpuppets can do is attack, attack, attack. Same old broken record from sambo and Dr. Dotan; Dr. of what? McCain will never be the nominee. Never.

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