Marc Ambinder has written about the family groups and pastors groups that are meeting to help Mike Huckabee in a bunch of the early primary states:

Sources say that the Renewal Project, whose organizers are partial to Mike Huckabee, is planning three pastors conferences in Florida, one conference in New Hampshire (scheduled for Dec. 13 and 14) two in South Carolina and at least on in Michigan.

Some of Huckabee’s opponents are complaining:

Huckabee’s opponents suspect the Project is a campaign adjunct in disguise. Its backers are wealthy and anonymous. Last week in Des Moines, they paid for 350 pastors to stay at downtown hotels, fed them good meals and paid Newt Gingrich’s speakers fee. …

And short of proof of coordination, it’s all legal.

Of course, Republicans are used to seeing this, although not always in Republican primaries. We normally see it in general elections. From the unions. Oh yeah. And Huckabee has unions too. For example, the Machinists. Or, perhaps, the teachers, at least in New Hampshire.

In a Republican primary, the unions don’t have numbers like they do in other states. But they have bodies. Lots of bodies. Homeschoolers, evangelicals, and unions are a powerful, powerful combination.


Soren Dayton

Soren Dayton is an advocacy professional in Washington, DC who has worked in policy, politics, and in human rights, including in India. Soren grew up in Chicago.


Leslie Mutchler · January 15, 2008 at 7:44 AM

The Republican party is anti Union.

Huckabee is a Republican.

I can not trust him to be pro union.

My retirement , wages and benefits for my family were negotiated by my union.

For me to vote for Huckabee or any Republican
would be like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders. » Is Michigan Huckabee’s firewall? · December 10, 2007 at 2:20 AM

[…] Covering the 2008 election « Huckabee’s pastors and unions […]

Eunomia · In The Ghetto · December 15, 2007 at 11:49 PM

[…] If Huckabee can win over a large majority of these voters, which will also mean taking them away from Giuliani, Florida could conceivably be his, and he may have some built-in support networks in Michigan, where he is now apparently tied for the lead.  The establishment has six weeks to make Huckabee radioactive to his natural constituency before he is in danger of capturing enough delegates to make it a real contest.  Will they be able to do it without employing the sort of insults against evangelicals and Southerners that have started to gain currency?    […]

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