Todd Harris said what everyone has been thinking for a while:

The statement from Todd Harris, communications director for Fred Thompson, accuses Mitt Romney’s campaign of a "half-baked cover-up" of what he alleges is the association between a Romney consultant and a hastily pulled website that said nasty things about Thompson.

Harris concluded with the kind of rhetoric that tends to warm Democratic hearts: "This latest episode only serves to prove what many voters are already figuring out: Mitt Romney will do anything, say anything, smear any opponent and flip flop on any position in order to win. The American people in general and the Republican Party in particular deserve better than this."

Amen. Team Thompson telling it how it is.

UPDATE: Full statement after the jump.

"Fred Thompson entered the race for president just days ago, talking about uniting our country around a core set of conservative beliefs. According to the Washington Post, it is now clear that while Fred Thompson is working to bring our country together, an increasingly desperate Mitt Romney and his campaign are already hard at work to divide us, practicing the lowest kind of politics. 

 "Today’s half-baked cover-up attempt by the Romney campaign does not even pass the laugh test.  The Romney campaign has paid Warren Tompkins and his various firms hundreds of thousands of dollars.  Wesley Donehue works for Tompkins and is listed on Tompkins’ own webpage as an associate of the firm.  According to, Donehue ‘runs the daily operations of their political consulting firm, Tompkins, Thompson and Sullivan, including direct mail efforts and a number of Web-based ventures.’

 "There is no room in our party for this kind of smut.  As the top executive of his own campaign, Gov. Romney should take full responsibility for this type of high-tech gutter politics and issue an immediate apology.  In addition, Gov. Romney should exercise some of his much-touted executive acumen, take control of his flailing campaign, and immediately terminate anyone and everyone related to this outrage. 

"This latest episode only serves to prove what many voters are already figuring out: Mitt Romney will do anything, say anything, smear any opponent and flip flop on any position in order to win.  The American people in general and the Republican Party in particular deserve better than this."


Soren Dayton

Soren Dayton is an advocacy professional in Washington, DC who has worked in policy, politics, and in human rights, including in India. Soren grew up in Chicago.


sampo · September 11, 2007 at 8:44 PM

this story will have some serious legs. why oh why is matt drudge out to lunch?

JJTERRY · September 11, 2007 at 9:12 PM

How sad can you get? What a sorry excuse for a man is Mitt Romney and his fraudulent campaign!

First he gets caught forming and financing the phony “EVANGELICALS FOR MITT” now he is so afraid of former Senator Fred Thompson hes got to use his personal wealth to hire attack dogs to set up a phony website calling names.

And this is a man(?) who wants to lead our nation? What a disgraceful excuse for a human being!

I’d vote for Hillary before I’d cast a vote for Mitt Romney! He is not fit to run for the Republican noination!

blackrepublican · September 11, 2007 at 11:27 PM

I actually can’t wait to vote against Mitt in the primaries. If I lived in Chicago, I’d get all my dead relatives to vote against him too 😉

secondlook · September 12, 2007 at 7:46 AM

There is nothing more phony than Thompson’s clown-like response. It has Jeri’s caustic tantrum style written all over it. Thompson campaigns as the victim in every race he has ever been in. Even Romney is more sophisticated than that.

JJTERRY · September 12, 2007 at 11:49 AM



You’ve obviously never had the benefit o a DICTIONARY!

MITT ROMNEY the BILLIOAIRE drove across country with the family dog TIED TO THE ROOF OF THE CAR!!!!!!


You’ll probably find chicken bones all over the floor of the ROMNEY campaign bus along with one of them there huntin licsenses…………..

secondlook · September 12, 2007 at 12:02 PM

First Thompson says the race is no place for candidates that smear other candidates and then promptly proceeds to smear Romney directly. The hypocrisy is huge. Especially when Romney didn’t authorize the site to begin with.

Jeri has the fire in the belly and she will trip all over herself. Thompson looks like a clown.

JJTERRY · September 13, 2007 at 3:35 AM

Now Mitt omney is lying about putting the website up in the first place when it was one of his paid attack dogs who did it his direction.

This kind of juvenile behaior on the part of Mr. Romney and his close associates is well-known in the Commonwealth of Taxachusettes where he lowered taxes and rised user fees ON EVERYTHING! A tax by any other name just costs more.

Mitt Romney is nothing but a spoiled rich little brat who thinks his money will buy him anything, including the Presidency of the United States.

He’s a bllionaire but can’t afford to hire anyone but illegal aliens to cut his own grass. But now that he wants to be President, oh he’s tough on immigration.

Yes hypocrisy is something MITT knows alot about, he could grant PhDs in it!

secondlook · September 13, 2007 at 7:07 AM


When you attack Romney with half-truths, you actually help the guy out. I spent more time thinking about all the inaccuracies in your post and how your conclusion has no merit.

If you want to be effective, attack his views and political platform. Abortion, war, etc. You’ll attract more like-minded folks.

JJTERRY · September 13, 2007 at 8:23 AM

The more I researched Mitt Roneys history, the better I came to knw him. He has no strength of character, no commitment to principle, no self-confidence. He is a cardboard cutout of a human being. We’ve already had two of thse as Presidents in my lifetime, JIMMY CARTER, AND BILL CLINTON.

No one who studiees MITT, as I have can tell you what his positions are on the issues because he changes them more often than he changes his socks.

Our great country, our great people deserve so much more than THAT for a President. I take the measure of the man, it is a far more reliable predicter of performance than the soundbites provided by his highly-paid handlers, that he spews and changes with the whimsy of the latest opinion polls.

Mitt is NOT fit for the Presidency, not now, not ever.

secondlook · September 13, 2007 at 10:33 AM

If you “studied” his life, why is your post full of inaccuracies? And how can anyone trust your conclusion about Romney? Again, you’re helping Romney out.

1. The man who authored the website was not paid for nor has ever worked on his campaign. Before the newspapers even circulated the story, Romney gave strict instructions that this man was not to be involved with his campaign in any way. And he was not previously. Get the facts.

2. Romney was nothing but a “spoiled little rich brat”. Romney grew up in a nicer home but not opulent, and started on his own two feet. Their first homes and cars were modest. The first truly nice house he bought, his oldest son chided him for not living within his means. His fortune is self-made. And people know that, he’s been in the news repeatedly over the years and that is well-documented. He even refused to take a salary as governor or executor of the Olympics. “Spoiled rich little brat” makes you sound bitter and uninformed.

3. The landscaping company he contracted with hired illegal aliens. He did not hire anyone like that. It is actually against the law to press anyone for their legal documentation, birth certificates, driver’s licenses, etc. There are only certain events that is allowed, school registration, DIRECT employment, government applications, etc. You can claim he “knew”. But that is pretty far-fetched to think a man like that sits around at home and looks through his curtains.

My point is, you have important political views but when you go off half-cocked and say things everyone knows is false, it makes your political views seem unintelligent and without study or merit. It also gives the impression you don’t have anything REAL on Romney.

If you stick to what’s real, and make your case, people will listen.

JJTERRY · September 13, 2007 at 1:21 PM

Bad news for you and MITT:

Even MORE bad news for you and MITT:


FullosseousFlap's Dental Blog · September 11, 2007 at 7:40 PM

Fred Thompson Watch: Fred Strikes Romney on “Half-Baked Cover-Up…

Republican presidential candidate Fred Thompson makes a campaign stop in Greenville, S.C., Monday, Sept. 10, 2007.
Flap said the Thompson campaign would NOT be letting the flap go.
Thompson aide: Romney will ‘do anything, say …

Daily Pundit » UPDATE On the Romney Smear Blog: Thompson Campaign Fires Back · September 11, 2007 at 7:53 PM

[…] » Glad someone finally said it “Today’s half-baked cover-up attempt by the Romney campaign does not even pass the laugh test. The Romney campaign has paid Warren Tompkins and his various firms hundreds of thousands of dollars. Wesley Donehue works for Tompkins and is listed on Tompkins’ own webpage as an associate of the firm. According to, Donehue ‘runs the daily operations of their political consulting firm, Tompkins, Thompson and Sullivan, including direct mail efforts and a number of Web-based ventures.’ […]

Fred Watch « Buttle’s World · September 11, 2007 at 8:11 PM

[…] Fred Watch September 11th, 2007 One up, one down. […] » Blog Archive » Romney Campaign Cover-up · September 12, 2007 at 10:28 AM

[…] More here […]

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