Many of you may know Chad Barth, Deputy Strategy Director for the Republican National Committee.

When he’s not working tirelessly for the Republican Party, Chad takes to concert promoting, for charity.

Chad started raising money three years ago in conjunction with the, then first annual, National Walk for Epilepsy.  The Chad Barth Concert for Epilepsy was inspired in honor of his 21-year old sister Christina Ann Sauer of Rochester, MN, and his 5 year old cousin Ryan Blaess of rural Decorah, Iowa, as well as countless friends he has met along the way that have shared their stories about friends & family members with epilepsy.

Both Christina and Ryan have suffered from various, severe, intractable seizure disorders for all of their lives.  Christina who has undergone three neurosurgeries, countless medication trials and combinations – all of which have unfortunately not really helped out to the extent that we have ever hoped.  Ryan who has been diagnosed with Dravet Syndrome and has accumulated more Life Flight miles, than Chad has frequent flier miles.

This year’s concert is this Friday, March 20th. For those of you unable to make the trip to DC, we urge you to purchase a ticket for a Walter Reed Veteran. That’s right, if you’re unable to attend but would like to contribute, your ticket will be donated to a veteran at Walter Reed Hospital.

In his first year, Chad raised $2000 for the National Walk for Epilepsy. Last year he raised $15,000.  What can we do to help him break more than $15,000?

Donate or buy tickets here. And check out this corny promo video by my buddy Jim Conroy:


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Soren Dayton

Soren Dayton is an advocacy professional in Washington, DC who has worked in policy, politics, and in human rights, including in India. Soren grew up in Chicago.