Twitter Updates for 2011-04-13

RT @timkmak: "That's a hashtag fail": the most memorable phrase of #elxn41 by far. # RT @jonward11: nice RT @BDayspring: Spotted @chuckschumer outside Hunan Dynasty discussing NY pizza. # RT @kady: BTW, as per @kerrywall, "bling" is trending. Come on, twitterverse – what about #hashtagfail #db8 # watching the Canadian Read more…

Twitter Updates for 2011-04-12

@CSPAN will have the Canadian leadership debate tomorrow night # This story got read on Fox and by Howie Carr. Made for a tough announcement day for Romney # Michael Graham is savaging Mitt Romney and RomneyCare right now # Powered by Twitter Tools

Twitter Updates for 2011-04-05

@BlackBerryHelp ^CS repeated net_rim_bb_messaging_app and JVM 602 errors. My blackberry doesn't work 2/3rd of time. No help from techs in reply to BlackBerryHelp # @BlackBerryHelp ^CS tried that 3 times. Keeps crashing after a couple of weeks. Spent 5 hours with tech support in reply to BlackBerryHelp # @BlackBerryHelp ^CS Read more…

Twitter Updates for 2011-04-04

Someone buy this for me please … 'Modernist Cuisine: The Art and Science of Cooking' # Also, ignore the last 3 years. Change Washington! RT: @NathanWurtzel "I'm not a President. I'm you." in reply to NathanWurtzel # Powered by Twitter Tools