Twitter Updates for 2011-08-11
"I didn't inhale politics" sounds "weird" # Powered by Twitter Tools
"I didn't inhale politics" sounds "weird" # Powered by Twitter Tools
Thank god the dscc chair won't play politics …. MT @DanFosterNRO: Reid taps Murray […] for SuperCommittee: # Powered by Twitter Tools
That was a nasty scraping sound on metro. Is it good we haven't moved for 10 minutes? #metrosucks # @BlackBerryHelp Doesn't work on my BES. Why can't I do it directly from an event? in reply to BlackBerryHelp # shorter @BarackObama you guys go try to solve something. I'm going Read more…
interesting discussion of "gotcha" questions at SCOTUS like CU, Commerce Clause, and ObamaCare # Powered by Twitter Tools
Will people realize that 75k people went without work for 15 days because Reid wouldn't pass a bill. Then did # Another white house press conference? Might as well talk about doing things if you aren't going to actually do them # A week late, the Senate passes the Read more…
@BlackBerryHelp 1 advantage of having a broken blackberry is that when U reinstall U get all the improvements 2 BIS that arnt automatic # @BlackBerryHelp can we add facebook events to calendars? in reply to BlackBerryHelp # Powered by Twitter Tools
Isn't this an attack on Romney too? Mass. GOP chair blasts 'no' voters – Ben Smith – # White House argues that the Senate Democrats threw 70k construction jobs under the bus. # Powered by Twitter Tools
Of course not. A PE guy would explode if this happened. RT @RichLowry does anyone believe romney really opposes the debt deal? in reply to RichLowry # Powered by Twitter Tools
called it RT @sorendayton House Republicans should introduce and vote down Reid's bill before Reid votes it out. in reply to sorendayton # .@davidgregory default would be a white house decision. Zero risk of default at all on 8/2. Teach, don't obscure. # Powered by Twitter Tools
One would think that the @MittRomney experience in PE + VC would give him strong ideas on the debt ceiling # House Republicans should introduce and vote down Reid's bill before Reid votes it out. # Powered by Twitter Tools