Twitter Updates for 2011-08-30
muni leaders say unions weigh down finances. MA and WI legislators agree. # West Virginia Pays | After 36 Years, What Has Earl Ray Tomblin Done? # Powered by Twitter Tools
muni leaders say unions weigh down finances. MA and WI legislators agree. # West Virginia Pays | After 36 Years, What Has Earl Ray Tomblin Done? # Powered by Twitter Tools
Amazon spends big to stop tax increase in California. How much screaming will there be? # Powered by Twitter Tools
I suspect that this piece needs some statistical correction from @iowahawkblog # I know, run a Harvard professor against a Scott Brown who crushed a real Mass politician # Powered by Twitter Tools
If @mittromney thinks building an 11k sq ft house during an election is smart, that's "weird" # @TeresaKopec @mbrownerhamlin @brianbeutler it sure would be weird for someone unemployed to build an 11k sq ft house in reply to TeresaKopec # Powered by Twitter Tools
My answer on @Quora to: How will winner-take-all primaries affect the race for the GOP nomina… # Powered by Twitter Tools
@benpolitico if we can't say weird, we can say awkward, right? Today in Mitt Romney awkwardness # gack. Bachmann is so economically illiterate… # Powered by Twitter Tools
This is so brutal … Bachmann skipped family reunion she cited # Powered by Twitter Tools
And they are short of trains during the morning commute. Pentagon metro stuffed to gills #metrosucks # @JeffQuinton I am from chicago, a real city with a real public transportation system. DC is so bad #metrosucks in reply to JeffQuinton # Powered by Twitter Tools
Thanks! RT @aterkel: Cheers for @sorendayton for handling all press logistics at #rsg11 # Powered by Twitter Tools
@nickschaper yes. that is true in reply to nickschaper # Powered by Twitter Tools