Twitter Updates for 2011-09-23
RT @DMarkPOLITICO: .@sorendayton: "I can't think of a significant Republican primary that was lost over immigration." # Powered by Twitter Tools
RT @DMarkPOLITICO: .@sorendayton: "I can't think of a significant Republican primary that was lost over immigration." # Powered by Twitter Tools
@BlackBerryHelp does BBM not work over wifi? # Powered by Twitter Tools
@MattLira @almacy @matthewslutsky @change @jgee great conversation indeed. Thanks all in reply to MattLira # Powered by Twitter Tools
NATO and Taliban in Twitter war. wow # Powered by Twitter Tools
I want my contribution to Pawlenty back. # .@HvonSpakovsky welcome to twitter # Matthew Dowd defending Rick Perry on social security # Powered by Twitter Tools
Dems claim that when Solyndra came to them asking for corporate welfare, they lied. Surprised? # Powered by Twitter Tools
what kind of person writes "and even their beliefs are more nuanced than one might suspect"? which "one"? # I thought that remarkable too… RT @kmanguward Audience cheers for executions? in reply to kmanguward # @jmsummers @weatherchannel @JimCantore my mom was evacuated on 15 minutes notice about 3 hours Read more…
It will be so funny when dems lose NY-9. Although the lesson is that incumbent parties lose # @thinkprogress maybe doctors disagree with AMA on Obamacare, not doc fix? That's what we saw at the time # Powered by Twitter Tools
@TeresaKopec @KevinMaddenDC conservatives should be sad because government is strangling the private sector, which should be adding jobs in reply to TeresaKopec # Powered by Twitter Tools
from @blackberryblog.. clear why RIM is losing. top app depends on RIM network effects. Facebook assumes corp users #TeamBlackBerry #fail # Powered by Twitter Tools