California’s Flash Report has two posts (here and here) about the GOP money that is getting lined up in California. A summary below:

John McCain: Jon Fleishman calls Donald Bren "the biggest prize in the sweepstakes for prominent figures in the California Republican finance community". One California consultant told me that when Bren’s name was released by McCain, "a bunch of Romney’s solid commitments were suddenly uncommitted." Don Bren is one  of the leaders of The New Majority, a donor group in Southern California. Shawn Steele, former Chairman of the State Party, notes that McCain is investing an awful lot of infrastructure of California.

Mitt Romney: Romney has been on the ground everywhere all the time in California, and in the process, he’s got some great people. One is Hadi Makarechian, also a New Majority leader. Romney also brings from RGA a strong fundraiser in Anne Dunsmore. Clearly a quite formidable team.

Rudy Giuliani
: The Mayor has Bill Simon, former candidate for Governor and son of Nixon’s Secretary of the Treasury. In addition to raising lots of money, Simon can give Rudy some street credibility with some