Turns out that Don Young is lying with a new ad claiming the endorsement from a group that has not given it. From the Anchorage Daily News

Now, Young has been running radio ads boasting that he landed an award from Taxpayers for Common Sense, a Washington D.C.-based watchdog group that combs through appropriations bills to root out government waste.

As the article noted, TCS has tried to shame them:

Taxpayers for Common Sense did give Young an award in 2003 — but it isn’t the kind of honor most members of Congress brag about. The group awarded Young their Golden Fleece Award for his backing of the Ketchikan-to-Gravina Island bridge, which became a powerful symbol of out-of-control spending and associated many Republicans with the worst excesses of earmarking.


 Get this clown out of Congress. Give money to Sean Parnell.

Also, we are gratified to note that Young won’t be getting a "Hero of the Taxpayer" award from ATR in 2008:

Meanwhile, Norquist points out that even though Young achieved hero status for his 2007 votes, he will not for his 2008 votes. Young voted to support a war supplemental funding bill that includes an expansion of the GI Bill and additional unemployment benefits adding up to more than $71 billion over the next decade.


Categories: Syndicated

Soren Dayton

Soren Dayton is an advocacy professional in Washington, DC who has worked in policy, politics, and in human rights, including in India. Soren grew up in Chicago.