- @alisavino @ryanjreilly @stopthemachine @occupykst @joshtpm Is Code Pink trying to raise money off of #occupy in NYC? http://t.co/BGg7CeyK in reply to alisavino #
- @cjoh you are missing my point. Lots of different groups try to raise money and credit off of energy like this. in reply to cjoh #
- @cjoh How is it a cheap shot? Earlier Ali said that anti-war groups were trying to tap #occupy Another version of same in reply to cjoh #
- The only thing that is going to make me feel really good about our nominee will be facing off against Obama #
- @BGR I wonder if these outages will be evidence that there's something wrong with the architecture of a BES + BIS http://t.co/Ysyp14Xo #
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